Presentations are listed in chronological order of their session times.
ACP Pyramid and Toolkit Bootcamp
Karen Folk (Moderator), Bluestem Financial Advisors; William Cuthbertson, Fiscalis Advisory; Sophie Kaluziak, Vista Financial Planning; Jo Anne Paynter, Emeritus member; Chip Simon, Taconic Advisors
When: Tuesday, November 12, 2:00 – 5:00 PM
Field of Study: General Financial Planning Principles
Credit: 3 NAPFA CE Credits - Financial Planning Process; 3 CFP CE Credits - General Financial Planning Principles; 3 NASBA CPE Credits - Specialized Knowledge
The ACP Pyramid and Toolkit are proprietary ACP tools that advisors can use to conduct comprehensive financial planning. The ACP Pyramid analyzes and tracks net worth while the ACP Toolkit components address other specific planning and administrative issues - Bond Ladder, Client Fee Calculator with Cost/Benefit Analysis, Wealth Management Fee Calculator, Retirement Analyzer, W-2 Calculator. There are also common basic calculators within the Toolkit such as the Cash Flow Worksheet, Loan Calculator, Life Insurance Needs Calculator, Life Insurance Policy Analyzer, Mortgage/Investment Analyzer, and Savings Calculator. This session will help new and established members alike learn how to utilize these tools to their best advantage.
Part 1 (2:00 - 3:00 PM) is for newer ACP advisors—learn how to use the key components of the ACP Pyramid and Toolkit.
Part 2 (3:00 - 5:00 PM) is for established ACP advisors—expand your use of the Pyramid and Toolkit by taking a deep dive into the best practices and lesser-known functionality of the ACP tools.
CFP Board’s Revised Code and Standards/Diversity Workshop
Wendy Marsden, ProsperiTea Planning; Courtney Ranstrom, Trailhead Planners
When: Tuesday, November 12, 5:15 - 7:15 PM
Field of Study: Ethics
Credit: 2 NAPFA CE Credits - Ethics, 2 CFP CE Credits - Professional Conduct and Regulation
This program fulfills the requirement for CFP Board approved Ethics CE. It has been designed to educate CFP® professionals on CFP Board's new Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct effective October 1, 2019.
How to Feel as Bright as Your Clients Think You Are: Why Capable People Suffer from Impostor Syndrome and What to Do About It
Dr. Valerie Young
When: Wednesday, November 13, 9:00 – 10:00 AM
Field of Study: Personal Development
Credit: 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Strategic Thinking, 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Communications and Marketing
Up to 70 percent of achievers around the world experience what is known as impostor syndrome. First coined by psychologists Pauline Clance and Suzanne Imes, these feelings of somehow fooling others into thinking you are more capable or intelligent than you believe yourself to be impact people in a range of fields, occupations, and levels.
Rebutting the Attacks on Bond Ladders
Steve Huxley and Brent Burns, Asset Dedication
When: Wednesday, November 13, 10:30 – 11:20 AM
Field of Study: Investments
Credit: 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Investments; 1 CFP CE Credit - Investment Planning; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Specialized Knowledge
Bond ladders have been a reliable and well documented strategy to provide stability, predictability, and certainty in portfolios, especially for those dedicated to retirement. Recently, however, several authors have challenged what they refer to as “bucket” strategies. Some have even claimed ladders reduce long-term returns.
This presentation rebuts these challenges, reviews the elements needed to properly link bond ladders to the financial plan, and provides the evidence that ladders do, in fact, deliver on their promises and are well-deserving of their role as the foundation for solid financial planning.
Digitizing Retirement Income Planning
Abraham Okusanya, Timelineapp Tech
When: Wednesday, November 13, 10:30 – 11:20 AM
Field of Study: Retirement Planning
Credit: 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Retirement Planning and Employee Benefits; 1 CFP CE Credit - Retirement Savings and Income Planning; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Specialized Knowledge
Technology is transforming the way we deliver retirement planning. The next generation of tools will enable advisors to go beyond traditional cashflow planning and create deeper client engagement.
Next-gen software solutions have recently emerged to enable advisors to transform extensive empirical asset class and longevity data into a visually dynamic, easy-to-understand story for clients. This technology enables financial advisors to illustrate and personalize withdrawal rate strategies for a client’s unique circumstances. Advisors are able to model and visualize the impact of a wider range of asset classes, taxes, fees, and time horizons.
This next wave of tech will optimize, automate, and track retirement income strategies against client objectives and provide actionable alerts at different turns along the retirement journey.
Late-Stage College Planning
Lynn O’Shaughnessy, Author/Journalist
When: Wednesday, November 13, 10:30 – 11:20 AM
Field of Study: Education Planning
Credit: 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Strategic Thinking; 1 CFP CE Credit - Education Planning; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Specialized Knowledge
With financial advice becoming a commodity, differentiating yourself as a financial advisor is critical. Learning the basics of late-stage college planning can be an ideal way to stand out. The parents most interested in learning how they can shrink their college costs are high-income parents whose children are often aiming for expensive private colleges or popular public universities outside their state. In this session, you can learn some quick and easy strategies to help these parents find schools that would love to give their teenagers merit scholarships. Knowing some simple college basics can boost your chances of attracting new clients and connecting with your older clients’ grown children.
Productivity and Time Management for G2 Employees
Cole McClarren, Cambridge Financial Group
When: Wednesday, November 13, 10:30 – 11:20 AM
Field of Study: Practice Management
Credit: 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Marketing and Practice Management; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Specialized Knowledge
G2 Employees (paraplanners and support staff) have different daily responsibilities than firm owners and lead advisors. Therefore, they must learn different techniques for time and task management. Effective time management allows the firm to grow and allows team members in both roles to operate at their desired efficiency.
This session will examine different time management techniques and efficiency strategies that allow G2 employees to get the most out of their workday.
Long-Term Care Planning for your Clients
Jerry Skapyak, LLiS
When: Wednesday, November 13, 1:00 – 1:50 PM
Field of Study: Insurance Planning
Credit: 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Insurance and Risk Management; 1 CFP CE Credit - Risk Management and Insurance Planning; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Specialized Knowledge
Avoiding uncomfortable conversations is natural, but talking about long-term care (LTC) shouldn't be one of them. A delay in talking and planning for LTC can place your clients in a position they'd rather not be in, one they could have avoided.
Elevating the Client Experience
Andrew Town, TD Ameritrade
When: Wednesday, November 13, 1:00 – 1:50 PM
Field of Study: Practice Management
Credit: 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Marketing and Practice Management; 1 CFP CE Credit - General Financial Planning Principles; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Specialized Knowledge
As the financial services industry continues to change and become more and more complex, the need to stand out in our clients’ minds becomes more and more important. Branding, differentiation, pricing that is competitive and profitable—they’re all important considerations. But in the end these things alone will not create the lasting impression we want from our clients. It is within the client’s experience that we have the opportunity to create that lasting impression—whether good or bad. When done well, we create something memorable for the client and drive loyalty for our brand.
How Associate Advisor Roles Change and Evolve
Ken Robinson and Britta Koepf, Practical Financial Planning
When: Wednesday, November 13, 1:00 – 1:50 PM
Field of Study: Practice Management
Credit: 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Marketing and Practice Management; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Specialized Knowledge
An associate advisor joins an established practice. Then what? Of course, the G2’s first months and years will lay the foundation for increasing responsibilities later on. What does this evolution look like over the first three, five, or 10 years…and beyond? Learn what some of your fellow ACP members—both the firm founders and those joining the firm later—have discovered as G2 advisors’ careers have progressed.
Empowering Language: How to Give Advice People Can Hear
Liz Weston, Author/Journalist
When: Wednesday, November 13, 1:00 – 1:50 PM
Field of Study: Communications
Credit: 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Communications; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Communications and Marketing
People ask our advice, then don’t take it. Some of those who could most benefit from our expertise never seek us out in the first place. Other times, an advisory relationship seems to be going just fine—then someone dies, and the surviving spouse or heirs take their business elsewhere.
Part of the problem may lie in the words we choose when we speak to others about money. Language we perceive as helpful and straightforward can be received as judgmental, shaming, patronizing, and dispiriting. The good news: it’s not that hard to transform disempowering words into empowering language. Doing so not only helps us get our message across but can help inspire people to act in ways that may transform their relationship to money.
Working with Asset Dedication
Steve Huxley and Brent Burns, Asset Dedication
When: Wednesday, November 13, 2:05 – 2:35 PM
Field of Study: Investments
Credit: N/A
Outsourcing is always a big step for financial planners. Deciding which elements of your everyday activities might be better done by a specialized firm (like a turn-key asset management platform [TAMP]) rather than hiring an internal portfolio manager is not a decision to be made lightly. Part of the problem is understanding exactly what you or your clients will be getting for their money. One of the basic tenets of ACP is to add more value than your cost so that your clients are better off in net terms.
This presentation will demonstrate how and why ACP planners have made the decision to outsource with Asset Dedication and what you can expect if you make the switch.
Tax Efficient Retirement Planning
Joe Elsasser, Covisum
When: Wednesday, November 13, 2:05 – 2:35 PM
Field of Study: Retirement Planning
Credit: N/A
Clients don’t always understand the interactions between different types of income and deductions, leading to potentially significant tax inefficiency in their retirement strategy. Watch Joe Elsasser, CFP®, discuss how to identify which accounts clients should withdraw from, and when, in order to make better retirement strategy decisions.
How to Work with the Media and Earn a Gold Star Every Time: Confessions and Advice from Five Top Journalists and a PR Pro
Marie Swift, Pam Krueger, Lynn O'Shaughnessy, Bob Veres, Gail MarksJarvis, Liz Weston
When: Wednesday, November 13, 2:50 – 3:50 PM
Field of Study: Marketing
Credit: 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Marketing and Practice Management; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Communications and Marketing
In this mainstage panel presentation, long-time PR professional Marie Swift will quiz four top journalists on what they like to see from their interview sources. Attendees will:
- Learn how to come up with an effective pitch for a story.
- Determine how they can endear themselves to or alienate journalists.
- Be seen as a more credible authority due to a steady stream of media appearances.
Delivering Value That Will Never be Undervalued
Mitch Anthony, Advisor Insights, Inc.
When: Thursday, November 14, 8:30 – 9:30 AM
Field of Study: Practice Management
Credit: 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Marketing and Practice Management, 1 CFP CE Credit - General Financial Planning Principles; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Specialized Knowledge
The existing value propositions of providing financial planning and asset management are all undergoing rapid commoditization. It is becoming increasingly difficult for advisors to distinguish themselves in a crowded marketplace. The one value proposition that transcends becoming a commodity is the one that enables advisors to sell their wisdom, experience, and insights. The hallmark of this new way of thinking is the unique manner in which success is measured—Return on Life™.
Home Equity Planning “How To”: Identify Candidates and Introduce Reverse Mortgages into Your Practice
Jerry Auippa, Longbridge Financial
When: Thursday, November 14, 9:45 – 10:35 AM
Field of Study: Retirement Planning
Credit: 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Retirement Planning and Employee Benefits; 1 CFP CE Credit - Retirement Savings and Income Planning; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Specialized Knowledge
Elderly homeowners own $7 trillion in home equity. Many are struggling with a financial plan to fully fund their lifetime expenses, but financial advisors overlook this hidden wealth. Why? In this presentation, we take a deep dive into the federally-insured Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) to understand how it can improve the retirement plans of clients, protect against longevity risk, be optimized to fit with client goals, and how to do so in an ethical and compliant manner. Home equity is one of the largest sources of assets for clients, and the HECM is a federally-insured program that can unlock this hidden wealth in a safe and standardized manner.
Message Mapping and Crafting an Elevator Pitch
Marie Swift, Impact Communications
When: Thursday, November 14, 9:45 – 10:35 AM
Field of Study: Marketing
Credit: 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Marketing and Practice Management; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Communications and Marketing
In this breakout session, long-time PR and marketing communications professional Marie Swift will share a simple framework and additional ways to develop a compelling elevator statement—otherwise known as a UVP (Unique Value Proposition).
Adding Value to Your Clients with Business Retirement Plans
Carol Friedhoff, Savvy Outcomes; Ed Fulbright, Fulbright Financial Consulting; John Scherer, Trinity Financial Planning
When: Thursday, November 14, 9:45 – 10:35 AM
Field of Study: Retirement Planning
Credit: 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Retirement Planning and Employee Benefits; 1 CFP CE Credit - Retirement Savings and Income Planning; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Specialized Knowledge; 1 IRS CE Credit - Qualified Retirement Plan Matters
This presentation will cover the basics of Business Retirement Plans. It will include information about SEP IRA, Simple IRA, 401k, solo 401k, Defined Benefit, Defined Contribution, and 401k Profit Sharing Plans. It will show how and where to add value to your clients via a comparison of the characteristics of the plans, what is involved in setting up a plan, and what the costs and benefits are. Using case studies, we will show you which options may work best for your clients.
Working Well with Widows
Kathleen Rehl, Rehl Wealth Collaborations
When: Thursday, November 14, 11:05 – 11:55 AM
Field of Study: Communications
Credit:1 NAPFA CE Credit - Communications; 1 CFP CE Credit - General Financial Planning Principles; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Communications and Marketing
70% of widows fire their advisor after the death of their spouse. Will you be fired or hired by the new widow? Join this session if you want to enhance your understanding and skills in working with widows. Special challenges and opportunities of serving widows are highlighted. Practical techniques, tools, and processes that assist professionals to understand and serve widowed clients well are emphasized. Kathleen speaks from the heart, including her personal experience as a widow plus many years of assisting widowed clients in her prior financial planning firm.
The Yield Is Greatest Before It’s Zero: The Ins and Outs of Bond Ladders
Jeffrey Augustine, Augustine Financial Solutions
When: Thursday, November 14, 1:00 – 1:50 PM
Field of Study: Investments
Credit: 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Investments; 1 CFP CE Credit - Investment Planning; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Specialized Knowledge
This presentation will review fixed income strategies available to provide clients with income for retirement and other purposes, with a special focus on the use and construction of bond ladders of zero coupon treasury securities.
Attendees review the structure of the treasury zero coupon market, analysis of the value of cash flow needs, and methods for the creation of asset portfolios to meet streams of known or expected liabilities. Methods of constructing cash flows in nominal and approximated real terms will also be presented.
Compliance Considerations in Growing an RIA: How to Grow your Firm Compliantly
Lori Neidel, Law Offices of Lori Neidel
When: Thursday, November 14, 1:00 – 1:50 PM
Field of Study: Compliance
Credit: 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Marketing and Practice Management; 1 CFP CE Credit - Professional Conduct and Regulation; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Specialized Knowledge
This presentation is for investment advisers of all sizes. The material will present various compliance considerations for growing an advisory business such as: social media use, registration, hiring employees, and cybersecurity.
ACP Advanced Planner Retreat: What We Learned 2019
Ken Robinson, Practical Financial Planning; Jane Young, More Than Your Money
When: Thursday, November 14, 1:00 – 1:50 PM
Field of Study: Practice Management
Credit: 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Marketing and Practice Management; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Specialized Knowledge
More than 30 of ACP's members met in June to brainstorm issues of interest to advanced planners. Many of their conclusions can benefit a broader spectrum of ACP members. Join us for a recap of the most valuable highlights of the retreat.
Business Entity Considerations Under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
Larry Pon, Pon & Associates
When: Thursday, November 14, 2:05 – 2:55 PM
Field of Study: Tax Planning
Credit: 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Income Tax Planning; 1 CFP CE Credit - Tax Planning; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Taxes; 1 IRS CE Credit - Federal Tax Law / Federal Tax Related Matters
The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act introduced major tax changes for business entities which have important implications for ACP members and their clients. This session will examine new provisions and strategies relating to tax-deferred retirement plans, the pass-through business deduction, salary and compensation strategies, real estate investment, and more. The focus will be on small business and in particular, common issues that arise in the financial planning firm.
Preparing Your Firm (and Yourself!) for Internal Succession
Josh Cutler, Bluestem Financial Advisors (moderator); Meredith Briggs, Taconic Advisors; Penny Marchand, Cambridge Financial Group; Jeff McClarren, McClarren Financial Advisors
When: Thursday, November 14, 2:05 – 2:55 PM
Field of Study: Succession Planning
Credit: 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Marketing and Practice Management; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Specialized Knowledge
This panel discussion will draw from the experiences of ACP members whose firms have gone through an internal succession plan. Attendees will walk away with strategies that can be used to prepare their firms for succession, as well as important personal and other business considerations that should be given by both parties involved in the internal succession plan.
A Tale of Two Decades: International and Emerging Markets Investing
Karen Umland, Dimensional Fund Advisors
When: Thursday, November 14, 2:05 – 2:55 PM
Field of Study: Investments
Credit: 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Investments; 1 CFP CE Credit - Investment Planning; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Specialized Knowledge
This presentation will provide a comprehensive look at the performance of US vs. international stocks over the past decade, with a comparison to the prior decade and overall 20-year result. We will discuss how international and emerging market exchanges have evolved over the past 20 years and explore ways to tilt international portfolios into higher expected return dimensions. This presentation will compare a globally diversified portfolio vs. a single country investment to help mitigate portfolio volatility.
ACP Best Practices - A System Committee Report
Fran Goldman (moderator), Frango Financial; Meredith Briggs, Taconic Advisors; Alicia Klein, Cambridge Financial Group; Mike Stanton, Stanton Financial Planning
When: Friday, November 15, 8:30 – 9:20 AM
Field of Study: Financial Planning Principles
Credit:1 NAPFA CE Credit - Financial Planning Process; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Specialized Knowledge
As a follow-up to the Compensation Committee’s 2017 survey, the System Committee dug deeper into what makes ACP firms successful and profitable. By analyzing their results and collecting data from 27 firms making over $100,000 in owner compensation, this presentation aims to give insight into the best practices for successful ACP firms. In our compilation of nine best practices, we’ll explore everything from the ACP fee calculator and screening prospects to how firms stay efficient through technology and delegation.
Doing More in Less Time: Building an Efficient ACP Ensemble Firm
Jake Kuebler, Bluestem Financial Advisors
When: Friday, November 15, 8:30 – 9:20 AM
Field of Study: Practice Management
Credit: 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Marketing and Practice Management; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Specialized Knowledge
While the ACP approach has historically far exceeded industry standards when it comes to value added through our Comprehensive Financial Planning services, the broader industry is looking to catch up and avoid commoditization. ACP firms will not be immune from these changes and will require adaptation. The good news is, we have a head start and our collective wisdom and experience to share with each other.
ACP D3 = Drop Dead Drill: How to Prepare for Future Client Illness Disability, or Death
Penny Marchand, Cambridge Financial Group
When: Friday, November 15, 9:35 – 10:25 AM
Field of Study: Estate Planning
Credit:1 NAPFA CE Credit - Estate Planning; 1 CFP CE Credit - Estate Planning; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Specialized Knowledge
What do you need when a client dies unexpectedly? Estate planning usually doesn’t target important information beyond the standard will, trust, and POAs. Comprehensive financial planning requires having other important end-of-life information to assure a smooth transition of the decedent’s affairs, including passwords, location of non-custodial assets (e.g., gold bullion, Bitcoins, US Savings Bonds, etc.), burial/funeral plans, vested pensions, legal titles, online subscriptions, etc.
This session provides not only comprehensive checklist but recognizes that assembling this information can be overwhelming for a client. A financial advisor can break through this end-of-life anxiety by providing the client with a Priority Checklist which breaks down this daunting project into workable pieces based on the client’s priorities. Target dates enable the advisor to gently follow up with the client to keep them on track. Penny has beta-tested this system with ACP clients who have enthusiastically embraced it.
It is an essential part of estate planning and particularly critical for hospice and other clients dealing with impending death.
The Tax Cuts & Jobs Act: You Know the Law, Now Make Sure You’re Taking Advantage of It!
Larry Pon, Pon & Associates
When: Friday, November 15, 9:35 – 10:25 AM
Field of Study: Tax Planning
Credit:1 NAPFA CE Credit - Income Tax Planning; 1 CFP CE Credit - Tax Planning; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Taxes; 1 IRS CE Credit - Federal Tax Law / Federal Tax Related Matters
We will review the top tax savings moves our clients can make, especially in context with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Our focus will be on tax savings that may not be immediately felt short term but can pay huge dividends over time.
Client Service Experience - Moving from Great to Exceptional in Three Steps
Cheryl Holland, Abacus Planning Group
When: Friday, November 15, 10:55 – 11:55 AM
Field of Study: Practice Management
Credit: 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Marketing and Practice Management; 1 CFP CE Credit - General Financial Planning Principles; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Communications and Marketing
Exceptional client service is a competitive advantage that accelerates the growth of your firm. This session will explore the steps for developing, training, and sustaining the exceptional client service unique to your firm.